Surgery Update From The Sister -- Originally Published December 20, 2007 10:53 AM
Monday, July 12, 2010
Hi, it's Lynn, Megan's sister, and I have GREAT news! No, Michael is not Jesus, nor an Angel, but he is out of surgery! The doctors were able to close the cleft using just the mouth tissue. It was expected they would have to borrow tissue from elsewhere to close the hole. (I did not ask Megan, "from where?" because I don't think I want to know!) They also don't expect any further palate surgeries to be necessary, another unexpected good result!
His ear tube surgery was a bit more difficult than they expected, but they did get both in. So now his ears will work quite well and the worry about festering infections will be reduced. Now he can do the fun hearing tests like his cousin, does! That's one doctor he won't fuss about visiting.
Megan and Adam will be staying with Michael at the hospital mostly fulltime, so Michael has that comfort. Let's hope they are home by the BIG DAY (as expected) and resting comfortably. Or, as comfortably as Michael ever rests.
Let's also hope that this is the straw that's needed to get Michael eating on his own, by mouth, and we can start planning when the feeding tube can come out (or at least not be used!). That would be a great gift for this year.
Merry Christmas to all of you, and thank you for your steadfast support of Megan, Adam and Michael. It helps, and I should know!
Lynn (for Megan)
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