The Vacation According to Michael, Part 3
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Originally published March 3, 2008
Michael's Travel Log, Day 3, Monday 2/25, transcribed on this, the following Monday:
The morning started out slowly – it took awhile to get going today, what with still trying to figure out where Mom packed everything. Somehow her cell phone got lost from the old hotel to this new time share, and she wasn’t very happy about it. She was also using her Blackberry to talk to folks at work (I thought we left them behind at home!!!!) She decided to have a “conference call” at 9AM, so Dad and I had a nebulizer and had some breakfast. I ate better than any breakfast before. Then all the big people took me to another breakfast at IHOP, where Mom and Grandma split two breakfasts, and there was so much food on the table. At least, that is what Grandma said when she asked someone to roll her out of the restaurant, but I don’t know. I just slept through the whole thing. Next we went to the grocery store to pick up some necessary stuff (like soda and baby food and napkins and donuts), and while Mom and Grandma were in the store, Daddy and our friend made me try my PMV in the van. HEY! I thought we were on vacation! This thing is a lot easier when I can watch the bunnies of Bunnytown (and Miss Pinky Pinkerton, the Super Silly Sportscaster on Bunnytown – she’s so pretty I have to smile every time I see her.)
After all that, Mom, Dad, Grandma and I went to Venice. I mean, we went to the Venetian. It LOOKED like Venice. I got to walk around all the canal stores with first Daddy, then Mommy. Daddy kept telling me that he was going to figure out a way to get my picture taken with a showgirl – whatever that is. That sounds okay to me – I’ve been flirting with lots of girls on this trip.
We went on a boat ride outside in the canal. Mom and Dad thoroughly embarrassed me by changing me and making me moon the strip before getting into the boat, but that was happening to a lot of babies all around Las Vegas, so I just decided to smile and go with it. The boat driver sang to me – I didn’t like it the first time, but the second song was pretty cool and I tapped my feet and grinned at everybody.
Finally, after a big day, I got to go home and hang out with our friend. (Whew!) Mom and Dad and Grandma all went out to dinner with some friends and I wasn’t allowed to go. But that is okay, because I got a chance to play games and sleep after skipping all my naps.
Michael's Travel Log -- Day 4, Tuesday:
Today I had it. We all went to Excalibur and had brunch at a cafe. Mom kept looking at that Blackberry thing again. She did that for a little while at the Venetian, too, darn her. And, she fed me at the cafe while I was hungry, but it took her a long time to figure out that I didn't want what she was feeding me -- I wanted the other jar. I wanted to eat green today, not orange. How could she not know?
Later the grownups kept taking turns playing the slots and playing with me. When it was Mom's turn, I decided to take matters into my own hands. She was burping me on her shoulder, and I spotted the Blackberry. It was in the chest pocket, right below me. So I went for it. BLAAAAHHHHH right down the pocket. I soaked it good, and it STOPPED WORKING for awhile, even after Mom and Dad took it apart to dry it off. YAY! Score one for the baby!
After that Mom bought a new shirt and jacket, then we went to New York, New York, where I got scared by the screams from the roller coaster. Then our friend got to go to a basketball game, but she wouldn't take me. I wanted to wait up to see who won the game, but I was too tired.
Monday night was better but not great. My alarm went off about 4x an hour, even on the lower setting Dad programmed, but more on this later. Mom says stop, I talk too much.
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