Keep Your Fingers Crossed -- Originally Published January 25, 2008
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Well, keep your fingers crossed. Today is our last day of nursing care under the current certification. The doctor has indicated that the dayshift nurses are no longer necessary, but then he apparently wrote an order for 8 hours, AND and order for 16 hours, to the insurance company. They are telling us that because of the two orders, and the difficulty of reaching the doctor live (he was on call at the hospital this week), we have no answer on recertification. We have no idea what will happen tomorrow, or even tonight for that matter.
We will be applying for a new Medicaid program that should help us in the event that we get into this situation again, but right now ... we wait. In the meantime, Adam has flown to St. Louis for his grandfather's funeral, and Michael and I are on our own this weekend. We have friends standing by to help, and some of my family are planning to drive down Saturday evening just in case, because the doctor has confirmed that we are still supposed to keep an eye on Michael all night long. We thought we would be able to use our new oxygen monitor so we could sleep, but this one seems to be worse than the old one. It says his O2 levels are between 80 and 92 almost all night long, but that clearly isn't right. When you look at him, he is pink and fine.
Well, the best we can do is assume the worst and move on. We know you are pulling for us.
Love, Megan, Adam and Michael
PS -- we'll keep you posted as best as we can.
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