Not Much Has Changed -- Originally Published February 11, 2008
Monday, August 16, 2010
I know it has been awhile since we last posted anything. You can file this under the "not much has happened" category. We're still trying new ways every week to get Michael to eat. Mealtimes have begun taking up to two hours -- 1/2 an hour to fight over the bottle or cup, 1/2 an hour for solid foods, and then (approximately) an hour to get the milk into his stomach by tube when he just wants to go (play/sleep, etc.) (Tube feeding only works when the recipient is calm and relaxed!) When you consider that he eats roughly every 4 hours during the daytime, it doesn't leave much time for anything else.
Nonetheless, he is a champion sitter, now, so long as he isn't on the couch. He thinks Daddy is the single coolest person in the entire Universe. Sam the cat and Michael are fast becoming best buddies, and even cool Chip came up and head-butted Michael when he was crying the other day. Dolly still sleeps in his room all the time. (Not sure if she is watching the baby or wishing it was still HER room!)
He's looking bigger, but not much else has changed.
Oh -- PS -- apparently, per my email, I have just been named the beneficiary in a will and will receive over $9 million, AND I have won 850,000 pound sterling in an on-line email lottery. Ain't email grand? ((What's on YOUR email this morning?))
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