This blog is a chronology of our story and should not be used as the basis for medical treatment or diagnosis. From time to time, you will find links to other websites that we have found helpful, however we offer no guarantees as to the accuracy of these websites. At all times, please use your own good judgment and the advice of qualified medical physicians and specialists.

August 28, 2007

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Brief Reprieve:

We have a bit of good news. While we are still waiting for word on the result of our appeal to extend our nursing care beyond September 5, the insurance company has agreed that the care can be 24 hours/day (instead of 8) from now until the 5th. The nursing company is working hard to staff the extra hours, and we are grateful for the chance to have the skilled help. As it seems like we have said so many times, the fight isn't over. The deadline still looms, but we are hopeful that this is a sign of more good news to come.

Thank you all for the emails and calls. We know you share our frustration and concern for Michael's well being, and it is a comfort to us. We especially appreciate those of you who have called to ask to be trained in caring for Michael so that we have more hands available if we lose the appeal. Your generosity is deeply touching. We know that no matter what happens, Michael has a very large fan base who will rise to the occasion, and it is awe inspiring.

All our love, Adam, Megan and Michael.


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