September 6, 2007
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Not much new to report. We just wanted to let you know the current insurance situation. Michael has been certified for an additional 19 days of nursing care at 16 hours a day. The decision came in at 5PM on Wednesday night. The nursing company pulled out all the stops to try to get a nurse in place for Thursday day and night shift, but they were not able to. Thank goodness for ESPN Thursday night football to keep us awake for awhile, and thank goodness for Megan's mom, for all her help. She is staying for a little while to try to lend a hand while she recovers from her knee surgery (which went very well, by the way).
For those of you who have asked -- yes, we are accepting visitors. And, we welcome phone calls. It is really hard to reach for the phone and dial anyone by the time the evening rolls around, but we do enjoy talking to folks who give us a ring. It helps keeps our spirits up, because despite how wonderful a baby Michael is, this whole situation is daunting, and some days it is hard to smile.
And, yes, we are still accepting meals. They are a big help, and we are grateful. We don't know how we will ever repay all that everyone has done for us, and we are sorry that we keep asking for more. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and we will get there someday.
Thanks again, Adam, Megan and Michael
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