This blog is a chronology of our story and should not be used as the basis for medical treatment or diagnosis. From time to time, you will find links to other websites that we have found helpful, however we offer no guarantees as to the accuracy of these websites. At all times, please use your own good judgment and the advice of qualified medical physicians and specialists.

October 8, 2007

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hello, everyone. I thought I'd drop you a quick note to let you know that Michael is doing fine. He is handling this infection well, which is great, great news for the future. We may or may not be upsizing his trach (which would stop his vocalizations) but that decision won't be made for a few weeks. It seems likely, though, that we will be getting a bigger trach at the next pulmonology visit. I will miss the sound of Michael's voice, but if it makes it easier for him to breathe and eat, I can't argue. He is sleeping a lot, but his coughing is improving, and he is still a happy baby. We watched Sesame Street this morning and had a good time.

Another side story -- D, the black and white cat, went missing for a while. Daddy thought he saw her when he came home from work on Friday and was wandering around the house looking for Mommy and Michael. (Car was there, carseat was there, food was left untouched in the bedroom, but no Megan and no Michael , and the diaper bag, suction machine, and emergency bag were gone as well. Adam was a little bit concerned ....)

Daddy spent the night in the hospital with Michael (Michael went to the ER sometime around 4:30, but we weren't admitted to the Pedes unit until almost midnight.) Mom came home and went to feed the cats in the morning. No D. That afternoon when Michael came home -- no D. Now it is getting alarming. Mom thought she saw a fuzzy cat running around the front yard when she got home in the middle of the night, but it was the middle of the night ....

Daddy went outside to call D. No answer. In a fit of real worry, he went looking in all the cat houses that Patches (the outdoor cat) uses. A minute later, in he walks with an armful of D! She had been outside for we aren't sure how long, but boy was she glad to see Daddy! We figure she must have slipped out when the paramedics came in, or possibly when the Home Care guy stopped by after we left for the hospital. We don't know. She is so terrified of the outside that we can't figure out what got into her to run "out" and not "in". But, she is back safe and sound, and we are so relieved. As a reward, Daddy took her to the vet. (Some reward, eh?)

I forgot to include our special thanks in the past few posts. Special thanks this time to the E___ family for helping me find Adam while I was watching Michael in the ER. Special thanks also to all of you who are praying for Alan and those of you who have reached out to Lynn on Alan's CarePage. Please keep it up. We need Uncle Alan around for a long time yet, and he is having a rough time of it in Florida.


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