November 16, 2007
Friday, June 11, 2010
Well, it has been a day of good news and bad news and confusing news.
Good news: our nursing care has been extended to Christmas.
Confusing news: Michael's stomach medication has suddenly been declined by the insurance company for a "confidential" reason that they will not reveal to the pharmacy. I need to call someone on Monday to find out why. (?????????) Apparently the drug is not covered, but they won't say why, or why this is different from the refill we got two weeks ago. (This is Prevacid, for crying out loud.)
Bad news: We thought we had an agreement with a lady to be Michael's nanny, but we just got the contract returned in the mail with a note that she cannot accept our job offer. I really thought we had it this time, and once again we have to start over. We stopped interviewing because we had gone so far as to make an offer, but I guess we can't even do that. We'll have to keep interviewing until a signed contract comes back to us. The problem is that we are now under the gun for time, as the nanny really needed a good solid month in the house with Megan before sailing forth, and now that can't happen.
Well, as we have found so many times before in this past year, all we can do is hang on by our fingernails. Michael is not allowed in day care and cannot stay in a home without a care provider that is trained in care of a trach tube and emergency trach changing procedures. We will provide the training required, if only we can find the person willing to help.
Please -- if you have any ideas, we are open to them.
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