October 16, 2007
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Fun weekend! Michael had a great day at the craft fair. We met up with some of our friends that live in Front Royal, and Michael was the hit of the party.
One thing to think about is that this kid hardly ever goes outside, so this was a big deal on a lot of levels -- more than we quite realized, as Michael let us know. First, it was his longest car trip. Second, it was his first "cold" day outside, with a jacket and a hat! Third, it was his longest stint outside ever. (The world is bright, mommy!) In all, he took it like a champ.
The funny thing is, we've almost never taken Michael to a place where he wasn't the center of attention. When he went to the car dealer, his grandparents kept him entertained. When we went out to eat at Pizza Hut, everyone came over to "see the baby". You know the drill. But this time, there were lots of people walking by, and only a few of them came over to talk to him. He was sitting behind the booth, looking at all the people walking past, and doing his little "Hi, Michael!" wave. He does it regularly, but it is still a bit uncoordinated. Yet, he knows that is what you do to say, "Hi!" Problem is, no one was looking at him, and no one said, "Hi" back! He wasn't sure what was up with that, and he kept looking at me like, "What am I doing wrong, Mommy?" It was pretty cute.
There was one acquaintance of ours who did come up and talk and wave, and she kept saying, "It looks like he is waiving back at me." When we told her he was waving, she tried to tell us he was too young to do that. Obviously not!
Adam and Michael went to the pediatrician yesterday, and it still appears that Michael has had no ill effects from his trip to the ER last week or from the G-tube disaster. His stomach is looking great. Even better, the doctor doesn't think we will need the second round of antibiotics for the infection, but we need the pulmonology consult on that, too, before we decide. Way to go, Michael!
Next week is a busy one for us, with lots of doctor appointments, including the plastic surgeon, so we will keep you posted!
Finally, and best of all, Uncle Alan is breathing on his own now, up and around his hospital room, and back to his old rascally self. We are so thankful. I can't even bear to think about how close a call that was, and I have to confess that I was beginning to think we really were going to lose him. Thank heavens we didn't. Now we just have to focus on making sure that Lynn and Alan's adoption of little Catherine can be finalized and she can come home to her family.
OH -- PS -- I know there are some of you that want to know about kid-sweaters and other crafts for Christmas and birthdays but don't want to ask. As you might imagine, I have not had time to make a lot of new stuff, but Adam and I still have a fairly large inventory of things. If you are interested in anything in particular, give me a call or drop me an email and I'll call you. We would love to have the inventory moved out of our house, so you would be doing us a favor if we have anything you might want.
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