November 29, 2007
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Well, this one is up to you and the power that controls the universe. We've confirmed something that we had begun to suspect for the past few days: If we can't get Michael's reflux under control, there will be no surgery this coming month. The stitches are dissolvable, and stomach acid will dissolve them. You get the drift.
As you can imagine, this is hard news. We have tried all but the most desperate methods. Now, we are off to see the GI specialist again tomorrow, and in order to save the surgery date, we may have to put Michael on a feeding pump with an extra valve in it to let air out of Michael's stomach. We've talked about this before and said, "no" because it took us so long to get a fairly wireless kid, but now we may have no choice. In the meantime, we are trying to move Michael to eating every two hours instead of every four to see if even THAT helps. (Can you imagine feeding a 5 month old baby every two hours???) If it weren't for surgery, this would not be an issue because Michael is gaining weight like a champ. So, a problem that shouldn't be a problem now IS a problem. It figures.
At times like this, we try to remember the adage from one of our favorite fiction writers, "The world will go as it will, and not as you or I would have it." Acceptance, though, is hard, and if we do have to postpone surgery for a few months, we will be crushed.
Please pray for us.
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